Lane Position and General Driving Guidelines

The lane change test can be tricky and intimidating since you’re going to have to deal with other cars on the road, but you don’t have to worry about anything as long as you are following proper lane changing procedure. Never get caught doing an improper lane change!

You may encounter some two-way streets that don’t have double yellow lines. Just stay on the right when driving through these streets. You may also see a stop line that ends in the middle of the street, use this as a reference to measure the area where your car should be.

The usual speed limit would be around 25 to 30 mph. A good rule of thumb would be to stay somewhere in between. Watch out for signs that indicate a change in speed limit which are usually found in areas around schools or where there are turns or curves.

Remember, going under the minimum speed is also grounds for failure.

Pedestrians can also be a serious challenge for new drivers. If you see one on the side of the street, make sure to use your turn signal and watch out for oncoming traffic as you drive around. If one is about to cross, slow down! Stop behind the stop line and allow them to cross, do not roll too close to them.
